
To trigger an operation.



The following types can be used for the button: primary, default, dashed, and link.

<Button type="primary">Primary</Button>
<Button type="dashed">Dashed</Button>
<Button type="link">Link</Button>

  import { Button } from "svant";


Button components can contain an Icon. This is done by setting the icon property or placing an Icon component within the Button.

If you want specific control over the positioning and placement of the Icon, then that should be done by placing the Icon component within the Button rather than using the icon property.

<Button type="primary" shape="circle" icon="{SearchOutlined}" />
<Button type="primary" shape="circle">A</Button>
<Button type="primary" icon="{SearchOutlined}">Search</Button>
<Button shape="circle" icon="{SearchOutlined}" />
<Button icon="{SearchOutlined}">Search</Button>

<br />

<Button shape="circle" icon="{SearchOutlined}" />
<Button icon="{SearchOutlined}">Search</Button>
<Button type="dashed" shape="circle" icon="{SearchOutlined}" />
<Button type="dashed" icon="{SearchOutlined}">Search</Button>

  import { Button } from "svant";
  import { SearchOutlined } from "svant/icons";


Supports a default button size as well as a large and small size.

If a large or small button is desired, set the size property to either large or small respectively. Omit the size property for a button with the default size.

<RadioGroup bind:value="{size}" style="{{ marginBottom: '16px' }}">
  <RadioButton value="large">Large</RadioButton>
  <RadioButton value="default">Default</RadioButton>
  <RadioButton value="small">Small</RadioButton>
<br />
<Button type="primary" {size}>Primary</Button>
<Button {size}>Default</Button>
<Button type="dashed" {size}>Dashed</Button>
<Button type="link" {size}>Link</Button>
<br />
<Button type="primary" icon="{DownloadOutlined}" {size} />
<Button type="primary" shape="circle" icon="{DownloadOutlined}" {size} />
<Button type="primary" shape="round" icon="{DownloadOutlined}" {size} />
<Button type="primary" shape="round" icon="{DownloadOutlined}" {size}>
<Button type="primary" icon="{DownloadOutlined}" {size}>Download</Button>

  import { Button, RadioGroup, RadioButton } from "svant";
  import { DownloadOutlined } from "svant/icons";
  let size = "default";


To mark a button as disabled, add the disabled property to the Button.

<Button type="primary">Primary</Button>
<Button type="primary" disabled>Primary(disabled)</Button>
<br />
<Button disabled>Default(disabled)</Button>
<br />
<Button type="dashed">Dashed</Button>
<Button type="dashed" disabled>Dashed(disabled)</Button>
<br />
<Button type="link">Link</Button>
<Button type="link" disabled>Link(disabled)</Button>
<br />
<Button type="link" danger>Danger Link</Button>
<Button type="link" danger disabled>Danger Link(disabled)</Button>
<br />
<Button danger>Danger Default</Button>
<Button danger disabled>Danger Default(disabled)</Button>
<div class="site-button-ghost-wrapper">
  <Button ghost>Ghost</Button>
  <Button ghost disabled>Ghost(disabled)</Button>

  import { Button } from "svant";

  .site-button-ghost-wrapper {
    padding: 8px 8px 0 8px;
    background: rgb(190, 200, 200);


A loading indicator can be added to a button by setting the loading property on the Button.

<Button type="primary" loading>Loading</Button>
<Button type="primary" size="small" loading>Loading</Button>
<br />
  on:click="{() => {
    loading = true;
  Click me!
  on:click="{() => {
    iconLoading = true;
  Click me!
  on:click="{() => {
    loadingWithDelay = { delay: 2000 };
  With 2s Delay
  on:click="{() => {
    loading = false;
    iconLoading = false;
    loadingWithDelay = null;
  Stop Loading

  import { Button } from "svant";
  import { PoweroffOutlined } from "svant/icons";

  let loading = false;
  let iconLoading = false;

  let loadingWithDelay;


For a red color, use the danger property.

<Button type="primary" danger>Primary</Button>
<Button danger>Default</Button>
<Button type="dashed" danger>link</Button>
<Button type="link" danger>link</Button>

  import { Button } from "svant";


The block property will make the button fit to its parent width.

<Button type="primary" block>Primary</Button>
<Button block>Default</Button>
<Button type="dashed" block>Dashed</Button>
<Button type="link" block>Link</Button>

  import { Button } from "svant";


To get a customized button, just set type/shape/size/loading/disabled.


disabledThe disabled state of buttonBooleanfalse
classThe class attributeString | Object-
styleThe style attributeString | Object-
ghostMakes the background transparent and inverts the text and border colorsBooleanfalse
hrefThe url of link buttonString-
htmlTypeSet the original html type of buttonStringbutton
iconSet the icon component of buttonSvelteComponent-
loadingSet the loading status of buttonBoolean | { delay: Number }false
shapeCan be set to circle, round or omittedBoolean | { delay: Number }false
sizeSet the size of buttonlarge | default | small-
targetSame as target attribute of <a>, works when href is specifiedString-
typeCan be set to primary, ghost, dashed, link or omitted (meaning default)Stringdefault
blockOption to fit button width to its parent widthBooleanfalse
dangerSet the danger status of buttonBooleanfalse


clickSpecify a function that will be called when a user clicks the button.