
A content area which can be collapsed and expanded.



By default, any number of panels can be expanded at a time. The first panel is expanded in this example.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

<Collapse defaultActiveKey="{['1']}" on:change="{callback}">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 1" key="1">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 2" key="2">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 3" key="3" disabled>

  import { Collapse, CollapsePanel } from "svant";

  const text = `
    A dog is a type of domesticated animal.
    Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,
    it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

  function callback({ detail }) {


In accordion mode, only one panel can be expanded at a time.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

<Collapse accordion>
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 1" key="1">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 2" key="2">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 3" key="3">

  import { Collapse, CollapsePanel } from "svant";

  const text = `
    A dog is a type of domesticated animal.
    Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,
    it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.


A Collapse can be nested inside another.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

<Collapse on:change="{callback}">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 1" key="1">
      <CollapsePanel header="This is panel nest panel" key="1">
      <CollapsePanel header="This is panel nest panel" key="2">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 2" key="2">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 3" key="3">

  import { Collapse, CollapsePanel } from "svant";

  const text = `
    A dog is a type of domesticated animal.
    Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,
    it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

  function callback(event) {


A border-less version of the Collapse.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

<Collapse borderless defaultActiveKey="{['1']}">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 1" key="1">
    <p class="collapse-text">{text}</p>
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 2" key="2">
    <p class="collapse-text">{text}</p>
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 3" key="3">
    <p class="collapse-text">{text}</p>

  import { Collapse, CollapsePanel } from "svant";

  const text = `
    A dog is a type of domesticated animal.
    Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,
    it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

  .collapse-text {
    padding-left: 24px;

Custom Panels

Customize the Collapse icon and the styles for each panel. Note: the icon will rotate when opening the panel.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

  class="{{ 'site-collapse-custom-collapse': true }}">
    header="This is panel header 1"
    header="This is panel header 2"
    header="This is panel header 3"

  import { Collapse, CollapsePanel } from "svant";
  import { CaretRightOutlined } from "svant/icons";

  const text = `
    A dog is a type of domesticated animal.
    Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,
    it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

  :global(.site-collapse-custom-collapse) {
    background: #fff;

  :global(.site-collapse-custom-panel) {
    background: #fff;
    border-radius: 2px;
    margin-bottom: 24px;
    border-bottom: 0px !important;
    overflow: hidden;

  :global(.site-collapse-custom-panel .ant-collapse-content) {
    background: rgba(0, 102, 204, 0.1) !important;
    margin-left: 40px;

Hide Arrow

You can hide the arrow icon by passing hideArrow to CollapsePanel component.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

<Collapse defaultActiveKey="{['1']}">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header with arrow icon" key="1">
    header="This is panel header with no arrow icon"

  import { Collapse, CollapsePanel } from "svant";

  const text = `
    A dog is a type of domesticated animal.
    Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,
    it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

Arrow Position

You can move the arrow to the right side of the panel as well.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.
A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.
A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.
<Collapse defaultActiveKey="{['1']}" expandIconPosition="right">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 1" key="1">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 2" key="2">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 3" key="3">

  import { Collapse, CollapsePanel } from "svant";
  import { SettingOutlined } from "svant/icons";

  const text = `
    A dog is a type of domesticated animal.
    Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,
    it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

Custom Panel Header

You can use the header slot to customize a panel's header.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.
A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.
A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.
<Collapse defaultActiveKey="{['1']}">
  <CollapsePanel key="1">
    <div slot="header" class="geared-panel">
      <span>Custom header from the slot</span>
      <span on:click|stopPropagation="{onGearClicked}">
        <SettingOutlined />
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 2" key="2">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 3" key="3">

  import { Collapse, CollapsePanel } from "svant";
  import { SettingOutlined } from "svant/icons";

  const text = `
    A dog is a type of domesticated animal.
    Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,
    it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

  function onGearClicked(event) {
    console.log("Gear clicked but did not open the panel");

  .geared-panel {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
    align-items: center;

Manual Custom Key

For more control over what opens and when it opens, use the customKey prop. The on:change event exposes the lastKeyClicked.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

<Collapse {activeKey} on:click="{handleClick}">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 1" key="1">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 2" key="2">
  <CollapsePanel header="This is panel header 3" key="3">

  import { Collapse, CollapsePanel, Modal } from "svant";

  const text = `
    A dog is a type of domesticated animal.
    Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,
    it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

  let activeKey = ["1"];

  function handleClick({ detail }) {
    const { lastKeyClicked } = detail;
    const alreadyOpen = activeKey.includes(lastKeyClicked);
    const message = `Are you sure you want to ${
      alreadyOpen ? "close" : "open"
    } this panel`;
    const callback = () => {
      if (alreadyOpen) {
        // Make sure to reassign activeKey so it's
        activeKey = activeKey.splice(activeKey.indexOf(lastKeyClicked), 0);
      } else {
        activeKey = [...activeKey, lastKeyClicked];
      content: message,
      onOk: callback


Collapse Attributes

activeKeyUsed to override the collapse auto functionality. Allows for manual control over what is openArray
defaultActiveKeyAn array of the keys to be initially openedArray
borderlessRemoves the bordersBooleanfalse
accordionIf true, only one panel opens at a timeBooleanfalse
expandIconAllows for a customize collapse iconSvelteComponentRightOutlined
classCustom classes or class object for the Collapse wrapperString | Object
expandIconPositionThe icon can be displayed on the left or the rightString - `left` | `right`

CollapsePanel Attributes

disabledIf true, panel cannot be opened or closedBooleanfalse
headerTitle of the panel (Can be replaced with the header slot)String
keyUnique key identifying the panel from among its siblingsString
classCustom classes or class object for the panelString
hideArrowAbility to hide the collapse arrow iconBooleanfalse

Collapse Events

clickFired when a panel header is clicked
changeFired when a panel is opened or closed

CollapsePanel Slots

headerCustom content for the panel header